Do you have a brand or a logo?

9 logo design tips that will turn that “symbol” into a brand You can do a quick search on Google and find a website that will allow you to put text and a clip art image together to form a logo—quick and cheap, and not so bad looking. Sadly, you may also find that another…

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The 9 biggest reasons to change your personal Facebook “business” page to a real Facebook business page today!

This is a common marketing problem that’s easily solved (I like the easy ones!). I’m never sure if this mistake persists due to misinformation, cluelessness, or laziness – that is, simply never changed from a personal page to a business page when Facebook made them available. So what’s the difference? Very simply, a personal page…

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Marketing for Customer Loyalty – Part 2

How to make your customers smile and buy…and buy again and again Part 2: 5 things you can do today to improve customer loyalty In part 1 of Customer Loyalty Marketing, we looked at satisfying the “primal factors” of your customers – satisfaction of needs, physical appeal, confidence – and assuming these are covered, we need…

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